Saturday, July 7, 2007

Another Note

I just realized after my last post, how stupid and confusing it would be if I had a Part 4 Continued. So, I am just going to repost Part 4 with more of the story. It just makes reading the story easier.

About Part Four of the The Knight of the Red Dragon

I posted part four a few days ago. I realize that compared to the first three parts, this part was extremely short. Originally, I planned to have a longer part for this part, but I wanted to post something because I hadn't posted in so long. Well, I can always post it as continuation of Part 4.

Thursday, July 5, 2007

New Novel - An Update

A few weeks ago I said I would start working on another novel. I did start to do the research for the novel; however, some things have come up, and I have to put this novel to the side. I guess for the moment I can continue to post more of The Knight of the Red Dragon.